First Annual Juried NEW RIVER RENDEZVOUS Outdoor / Interactive Art Exhibition Apr10


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First Annual Juried NEW RIVER RENDEZVOUS Outdoor / Interactive Art Exhibition


 First Annual Juried NEW RIVER RENDEZVOUS Outdoor / Interactive Art Exhibition

May 17-19 2013



In collaboration with the New River Alliance of Climbers, New River Rendevous, and Yoidles Productions, we are pleased to announce the expansion of the art presence to include the first annual outdoor exhibition outdoor art in New River Gorge, Fayetteville, WV for the 10th annual New River Rendezvous on May 17-19, 2013. All proposals for interactive sculptures, environmental art and performances will be considered.


Sculptural works can be constructed of any material and should “leave no trace” following removal.  Interactive works are particularly welcomed as climbers and festival goers retire and enjoy the variety of activities and events offered at the Rendezvous. This exhibition will provide a unique opportunity to present interactive work to a creative free-thinking audience that is much more physically engaging and active than a typical audience.




All accepted work will be archived on the NRAC website.  Application fee is $35 for up to (3) pieces. All applicants, whether accepted or not, can attend the festival for free (while tickets are available) which includes music, food ,drink (beer and wine), entertainment spectacles (stupid human tricks), and camping, in a world-class outdoor town for white water rafting, climbing, and hiking. In your application you must STATE WHETHER OR NOT YOU PLAN ON ATTENDING (so we can register you). All proceeds will go to NRAC ( which is a local organization dedicated to protecting outdoor recreation and climbing resources environmental impact and access in the New River Gorge and surrounding area.


ARTWORK: Application process


Submit up to (6) images of (1-3) proposed works and (4) images of recent previous work.  Images should be 72 dpi and not more than 800 pixels in any direction.  If proposing new work, submit images of similar works done in the past or a digital sketch of the proposed concept.  In 200 words or less, the proposed work should be described including materials, processes for construction on site, projected impact on environment, and security and safety of participants.





Create a dropbox folder with contents and send a share invite to




Email all materials to:


All items should be sent as attachments in the email.  In the subject line please write: “Rendezvous Submission” and in the body of the email include your name, website (if applicable), address, phone number, and email address.


Checklist for electronic submissions:

1.)   6 jpegs 72 dpi and 800 pixels or less of proposed work (files names “Last_Name_001_proposed.jpg”).

2.)   4 jpegs 72 dpi and 800 pixels or less of examples of previous work (files names “Last_Name_001_example.jpg”).

3.)   A description of the images (title, dimensions, medium, and year) can be included in the image or on a contact sheet.

4.)   CV

5.)   Description of proposed work

6.)   Send Paypal payment to or mailed check ($35) to Yoidles Productions, 5 Elizabeth St. Athens, OH 45701

7.)   State whether you plan on attending the festival or not (we must register you if you intend to attend). Attendance is limited and on a first come / first serve basis.


For questions please contact


For more information regarding the event please see: -or-


Or information regarding previous New River Rendezvous or art appearing at them see:


Finalists will receive a liability waiver recognizing the inherent risk of exhibiting art in a public setting and seeking permission to use any images for promotional purposes. Although it is a trustworthy environment and responsible community, it will be the artist’s responsibility to insure work as deemed necessary.


Selected artists will install and between the dates of May 13-17. De-installation must occur May 19-20th.  Some assistance may be available.