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Bronze Constellation Android App

As a part of Lost Wax, a free Android application was developed to allow viewers to compare the constellation created as the bronze crayons are scattered about the globe. Thanks in large to NATHAN BERGER, the AESTHETICS TECHNOLOGY LAB, and RAY PHOENIX for assisting in making this application become a reality.

This application forks from the Google Skymap application, that allows viewers to view the locations of stars and constellations in the sky wherever they point their Android devices.  The Bronze Constellation app retains the star and constellation data, however it makes a few changes.

Bronze Constellation also includes points representing the locations where each bronze crayon has been placed and connecting lines between them that create the constellation. Additionally, the viewer’s vantage point has been changed. The vantage point no longer represents the viewer as standing on the surface of the Earth, instead the viewer’s vantage point is teleported into the center of the Earth. Thus, the constellation made by the bronze crayons on the surface of the Earth appears between the viewer and stellar constellations in the sky. This allows the viewer to gain perspective on the fact that Yoidles! Productions has created (and is still creating) the largest bronze sculpture in history.

To download the application navigate your Android device HERE.


Here are some screenshots: