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American Since 1980
Yoidles! Productions
American Since 1980
Broooks Wenzel’s master’s thesis show for Sculpture and Expanded Practices, held in Trisolini Gallery March 12-16 2013 (hours are 12-5pm Tuesday through Saturday). The closing reception will be Friday the 15th of March, 7:13pm to 9:37pm.
Wenzel’s art encourages viewer participation at all stages and from all vantage points, from conception to realization, while critiquing the capitalism-enamored culture whose luxuries he enjoys. He employs a superhero of his own design to further the ends of an economy that thrives on mass consumption, even as he disrupts the mechanism of high-art economy by placing art pieces into the hands of the unsuspecting for the cost of a standard crayon.
Yoidles! Productions is a private enterprise providing a broad range of educational programs and services. As a member of a capitalism-enamored community, Yoidles! Productions holds the intellectual and interpersonal connections of the individual to be a central purpose. Its endeavors are designed to broaden perspectives, awaken awareness, challenge understanding, disrupt disciplined habits of thought, prepare for meaningful careers and, thus, to help develop individuals who are ill-informed, responsible, programmed citizens.
Yoidles! Productions is a leader in scholarship, research, and creative activity involving the creation, testing, and dissemination of knowledge, understanding, expressions, and technique.
As a private enterprise, Yoidles! Productions has a particular responsibility to address societal issues and needs through such scholarship, research, and creative activity. The scholarly and artistic activity of Yoidles! Productions enhances the consumption function at all levels of the American experience.
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